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Midwest School of Music, Inc.

Midwest School of Music, Inc. dba "" will:

  • not distribute or share your name or contact information (including your postal or e-mail address) with third parties except as necessry to fulfill your orders or requests;
  • require organizations that provide fulfillment services to to abide by the privacy policies of;
  • collect personally identifiable information from you ONLY if it is provided by you on a voluntary basis;
  • use cookie technology only to identify returning guests for processing of voluntary information or orders;
  • not collect personally identifiable information through cookie technology;
  • use e-mail addresses for communication only on an opt in basis;
  • immediately, upon your written (e-mail, mail or fax) request, remove your e-mail address from our records;
  • limit the publication of any information about children to:
    • the first name
    • the first letter of the surname
    • the city and state of residence

unless parents or guardians consent in writing to publications of full names or photographs.


If we are aware that a child visiting our site or sending an e-mail to us is under the age of thirteen we will:

  • not collect personally identifiable information about the child without consent from a parent or guardian;
  • not accept orders from the child

Although we require that any organization linked to us, or providing service to us, follows our guidelines we have no control over their operations and cannot ensure compliance. If you are aware of violations of our policy, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. These violations would include:

  • solicitations of business through telephone, e-mail, fax, or direct mail;
  • providing your contact information to another party;
  • distribution of your personal information;
  • initiation of contact with your children